Heartwarming Home Decor From Kapitbahay Heri, Home Buddies’ Rising Star

Kapitbahay Maj shares her son’s passion for the arts. Here’s how their journey started—and how it’s going.

Heartwarming Home Decor From Kapitbahay Heri, Home Buddies’ Rising Star

Kapitbahay Maj shares her son’s passion for the arts. Here’s how their journey started—and how it’s going.
Photo by Obra Espesyal

Discovering one’s calling at a very young age is rare — even for the best of us. But for Heri Pascua, one of Home Buddies’ rising stars, it just took one fateful moment. On New Year’s Eve in 2018, Heri turned to his mom and said two words that would change his life unknowingly: “Mama, paint.” 

Forty-five minutes later, he made his very first masterpiece at the young age of 13.

Since then, Heri has shown and sold his unique works of art to many happy customers, including TV personalities and married couple Christine and Julius Babao. They were his first-ever customers (something Heri takes a lot of pride in).

And that’s the story of how an artist was born. Maybe it runs in the family — his devoted mama and proud solo parent, Kapitbahay Marjorie “Maj” Pascua, is an artist herself. 

Heri, who celebrated his 18th birthday in August this year, is diagnosed with Down syndrome. His health is something that Mommy Maj is deeply attentive to. 

“Isa sa mga [complications] niya is may dalawang maliit na butas sa puso niya and prone siya sa pneumonia,” Mommy Maj said in a feature with Philippine Star.

But are these hindrances to Heri’s artistic pursuits? Absolutely not, Mommy Maj says. 

“When he wants to paint, there’s no way of stopping him,” she told Home Buddies. 

Artists Heri and Mommy Maj, Unstoppable Forces

Mommy Maj believes that she and her love for Heri are some of his biggest inspirations in art. After all, she’s been an artist for the past decade or so, although she claims she’s just an “accidental” one.

“One time in 2009, nung [Typhoon] Ondoy, nanakawan ako ng sahod from the call center. Walang natira sa akin, ang meron lang is regalo na art materials,” she told The Philippine Star. After doing it for a while, she realized that it could be a feasible source of income.

“May nagpapa-tutor, nagbebenta ako ng kung anu-ano online. Thankful ako kasi ang pinakamalaking nakakatulong talaga sa amin is ‘yung paintings,” she said.

Mommy Maj had to keep working hard to ensure Heri got all the medical attention he needed, including maintenance medications that cost P450 to  P480 per day.

The pandemic was a challenge, too. Mommy Maj and Heri — who was now making a name for himself — had limited art materials. 

“Since there [were] no orders for paintings, I thought of using our paintings as designs for [merchandise] for a cause,” she said. Thankfully, it was something they were able to overcome.

“Now that we’re back to selling merchandise and paintings, I see to it that I buy art materials little by little,” she said.

It also helps that Heri is just as hardworking and dedicated as his mother. He’s confidently set to paint for as long as he wants — not even his kind and obedient demeanor can break his resolve and passion.

“Minsan, nangyari, gusto niyang mag-paint. Tatlong paintings, natapos niya in one sitting. So hindi mo siya mapipigilan,” Mommy Maj recalled. 

Fondly, she added: “Si Heri po kasi, mabait na bata. Masunurin. Pero pagdating po kasi sa arts, kahit ako na nanay niya, hindi niya sinusunod. ‘Yung art niya, talagang sa kanyang-kanya.”

A Talent for the Ages

As it turns out, Heri is not only hardworking — he’s also incredibly talented. Mommy Maj proudly acknowledges Heri’s natural creative affinity and how his skill may surpass hers, even though she’s been into art for a longer time.

“Sa totoo lang, mas magaling siya sa’kin mag-paint,” she quipped. “Nung nag-start ako, hindi ako ganun magkulay. Pero nung binigyan namin siya ng primary colors lang, nakagawa na siya agad ng tertiary colors.”

Photo by Julius Babao

The first time Heri sold his painting, it wasn’t even for sale. And as we hinted earlier (surprise), his first customers were Christine and Julius Babao. All the works on the display were Mommy Maj’s, but Christine had asked: “May painting ba si Heri? Bibilhin ko.” 

Fortunately, Mommy Maj brought one of her son’s paintings with her, and they sold it for P3,500. That was his first-ever sale, but certainly not his last. 

“Nandun si Heri that time. Nag-picture kami. Super proud din po siya,” recalled Mommy Maj in The Philippine Star feature. 

Heri is not one to shy away from the spotlight. Sweet and humble as he is, he rightfully takes pride in his hard work and incredible talent. 

“Alam niya kapag nakakabenta siya ng painting, medyo mayabang siya,” Mommy Maj said of him.

Creating together brings out the best in Heri — body, mind, and soul. “I just expose him more to my paintings and arts,” Mommy Maj told us. She’s happy to support him however she can, even if Heri wants to take a break. “I don’t force him; if he doesn’t want to paint, that’s totally fine,” she added.

Heri Pascua, Home Buddies’ Darling Artist

Sometimes, a robust support system is the only thing we need to pursue our passions. In Heri’s case, his loving and doting mother was the one who encouraged his journey as an artist.

Complications in his health were never a setback, at least not where art is concerned. Heri trods forward, his mother alongside him. And it didn’t take long for the rest of the community to admire and share his creative force.

When Mommy Maj posted Heri’s paintings to the Home Buddies group, they were met with overwhelming positivity and kindness. “Biggest hugs to you and your son. Ang galing po ninyo mag-mommy,” one comment reads. And another: “Impressive. Pang-gallery collection and art exhibit.” And another, yet again: “Laban Mommy Marj, para kay Heri.”

For the mother-son duo, it’s only the beginning. And they’re hopeful for bigger things in store. 

“I’m manifesting having a ‘mother-and-child’ special art exhibit. Dreaming of an art studio of our own,” she told Home Buddies.

Mommy Maj is deeply touched by the warmth and love Heri receives. She also feels personally encouraged, knowing she’s not alone in supporting and loving Heri. 

“Home Buddies and the Kapitabahays are such a blessing for us,” she said. “Sobrang salamat po sa support, from the bottom of our hearts.”

You can get Mommy Maj’s and Heri’s one-of-a-kind works of art on Shopee or view their works on their Facebook page. They offer paintings, mouse pads, masks, mugs, and more. Sales directly go to the mother-son duo and help sustain Heri’s daily health maintenance. Hopefully, it will also bring them closer to the dream exhibit and art studio.

Join the Home Buddies Facebook page to support them and learn more beautiful stories from our Kapitbahays.

This article has multiple parts
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3